Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Tweak # 4

Nic starts to turn to God during his recovery. He learns that the stronger relationship with God, the more likely he is to live a positive life. The second step in his 12 step recovery program is to “Come to believe that a Power greater then ourselves can restore us to sanity (157)” I think that this is one of the steps because believing in something more powerful helps you feel like you have a purpose in life, and life seems not so insignificant. A lot of people would disagree with me, but I believe spirituality/religion is something that should be in everyone’s lives. Not necessarily structured religion but even just believing that there is a plan for everyone. It can be so easy to feel like life in meaningless, but if you trust that you are put on this earth for a reason then life becomes so much easier. Not only can it help with a recovery but it can help someone realize how their actions affect people around them like friends and family. When Nic starts to accept God in his life, he really starts to make improvements in his recovery, he starts to hold on to a job, and starts making good friends and getting his life together. 

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