Sunday, January 2, 2011

Tweak # 1

I chose to read Tweak for my free reading book for this semester. Tweak is a true story about a young man named Nic Sheff, who is addicted to meth. He lets us into the scary life of an addict and reveals the feelings he had and also why he was on drugs in the first place. He says “I loved drugs. I loved what they did for me. They relieved me of that terrible sense of isolation I had always felt. They gave me that manual to life that Johnny had described. I could not, NOT give that up (18).” Nic felt like he was an outsider with no way to fit in with society besides turning to drugs and alcohol. Teenagers often feel like they do not belong and need a way to either fit in our get away from it all. Recently in the news we have seen a large amount of teenage suicides. These stem from all different areas, and aspects of life. Some students are gay, others are just different. With technology now, it seems like the problem has gotten worse. For example in class when we read a packet on bullying in schools where numerous cases were explained and our justice system was questioned. Its hard to hold someone accountable for online bullying. In class we learned that there are laws put into place, this is a quote from the packet we read in class called When Cyberbullying Turns Deadly “The majority of U.S states now have anti-bullying laws. Some have recently added cyberharassment statues to their books (p.2)” I think our schools and government should make it even more of a punishment. Even though most of these individuals are kids I think that our society is moving towards a society that is insensitive and cold. If better morals and values are installed into our youth, then bullying will not be as much of a problem. Nic Sheff is a perfect example of a kid that uses drugs for an outlet, and it is a sad addiction, that once started is near impossible to brake. 

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