Sunday, January 9, 2011

Tweak #2

The more I read of this book the more I become frustrated with Nic, the main character. He seems to never go through with anything. He drops out of many of his rehabs and relapses for the fifth time. He can’t hold a job, not even because of his addiction. He says “Usually I just stop showing up for work one day. That’s what happened with the six jobs before that. Actually I’ve never seen a job all the way through to the end-not even in sobriety (p.34)” It doesn’t surprise me that he has relapsed this many times. He needs to learning from his past mistakes and focus on a future he could build for himself. I have a hard time feeling sorry for him. He has a good family that cares and loves him. Nic keeps mistreating them and stealing from them. He even stole money from his little sister as well as her diary. At this point the only person that can save him is himself, which seems to be his worst critic. “There is this crazy fear I have of being rejected by anyone-even people I don’t really care about (p.34). He has to realize that not everyone will like you and by punishing yourself he is making his own problems worse, and affecting the lives of so many people around him.
This book focuses on drug abuse among teens; I begin to see the vicious cycle of addiction that develops in these young adults. Although most of this abuse is seen in the poorer neighborhoods, it still can reach a wide demographic of teens. Nic has a middle class family with a decent amount of money so it is not only limited to the families living in the projects. What it comes down to is we feel inside. Nic feels isolated and alone and therefore turns to drugs to get the “high” he longs for. 

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