Sunday, January 9, 2011

Tweak # 3

I think its very interesting that a lot of times when you see someone suffering from drug or alcohol abuse that it runs in the family. I see it all the time in movies and TV shows, along with in real life. Parents being alcoholics and their kids growing up to be just like them. One of the characters, Gack who is a drug addict and is starting a drug dealing business with Nic, has a long line of drug and alcohol abuse in this family. “Gack saw his mom from time to time. She lived in Napa too. She had six years sober-going to twelve-step meetings and things. He guessed he liked her alright. He seems pretty okay with the whole situation. (p.82)” I find it really sad that the influence parents have on a child, good or bad, can determine who they turn out to be. Being a parent comes along with a lot of responsibility, lifestyles need to change when a child is born. If I was an addict I would never want my child to grow up and have to deal with the hardship and struggle that I went through. Gack who lives with his drug addicted father has been doing drugs for a while. He must have picked up the habit from his father. When a parent encourages this type of behavior is only a matter of time until he overdoses or becomes a serious drug addict. Its so shocking that there are actually parents out there that believe it is okay for their kids to take drugs. Some may say it’s the only way for a child to learn for themselves, but in my opinion, as a guardian you have to guard a child from certain things that will harm them, and drugs are one of those things. 

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