Monday, January 10, 2011

Arizona Shooting

The recent Arizona shooting left fourteen people wounded with three in critical condition. On this tragic day, a 22 year old Jared Lee Loughner, allegedly went on a shooting rampage in front of a grocery store. President Obama ordered a moment of silent for the whole country to honor those involved in the shooting. I do feel horrible for these people and representative Gifford, and would love to have a moment of silence for all those involved, but I find it interesting that that same respect is not given to the hundreds of soldiers that put their life on the line everyday and die for our freedoms. I think maybe it has something to do with power, since Gifford is a public figure and involved in the government. The young men and women who have little power in the army should be given this same moment of silence throughout the country. The hundreds of poor black people killed and left homeless from Katrina were not given a moment of silence, because they "don't contribute to society" in the same way as powerful people. A life is a life and the ones that are lost in national tragedy or war should be nationally recognized no matter what economic status or race.    Most of the time their deaths go unnoticed and it makes me so angry that just because someone has power that their life seems to be more worthy then others.

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