Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Second Semester Book Review (Selling Olga) #1

I am reading Selling Olga by Louisa Waugh about human trafficking and resistance. In the first couple chapters we hear about the story of Olga. She explained how she got trafficked and her story. She said that there are ads int he newspaper for jobs abroad. These are cover ups for trafficking women, she thought that she was getting a job in Italy helping the elderly, she quickly realized that she was being tricked. She lived at the club and men would pay her 'pimp' to have sex with her. At first she would not even receive money because of the travel fees that her pimp paid for. After a while she started to get some money for her services. She ended up escaping by sneaking out of the club and going to a local police station. She had massive injuries and was almost fully blind from all the abuse she endured. I was so shocked to hear her story. I feel like any women in desperate need of money could get tangled up in this trafficking. To hear her actual story, I was interested and it made me even more passionate about my end of the year project, which is child prostitution. I am excited to read on, even though this is a sad and disturbing topic, I am interested in it and what the police and givernment are doing about it.

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