Monday, October 25, 2010


The movie about Jamie Nabozny revealed the troubles that occur in our school system regarding bullying. I never realized that there was so much discrimination, and harassment in Americas schooling system. Jamie was constantly being threatened, and physically beat up by his peers. When he couldn't take it anymore he tried to take his life, and when that failed, he ran away. He couldn't take the abuse everyday and was not looking forward to moving on to high school, unlike all the other kids at his middle school. His family had no choice but to send him back to school. Jamie called this is last straw and ran away to Minneapolis his parents knew he had to stay there for his own safety. Jamie ended up suing the school, for their non-involvement in his situation. The school system throughout his middle and high school career never interjected to protect Jamie. In the court case, the school administration was found guilty of failure to stop the harassment. Jamie and his family won 900,000 dollars. This is not a unique case, we looked into a lot of other cases having to do with bullying. Rachael Neblett was a regular 17-year old girl she was a happy cheerleader with a lot of friends. She started to get threatening text messages and let it go on, when she told the school officials they said they would keep an eye on Rachael and make sure she was safe. She ended up killing herself because of the acts of this person.
Bullying at DHS does not seem to be very apparent. I notice some groups of people not getting along but I have never seen someone phycially bully others. The most bullying I see is on the day of Pep Rally. All the grades are divided, and the students are all excited to be apart of their grade. I have personally seen seniors yell at freshman and even give a little shove. It doesn't go beyond that, and I don't notice it during a regular day at Deerfield. Our school does not have a big problem with bullying and therefore we don't need to do anything in percussion. I think that our students have an understanding of respect for each other. There may be something every once in a while that would be considered bullying, but its not to an extent of hatred or harassment. I think our school would benefit from a "Challenge Day" like they had in If You Really Knew Me. Not necessarily because of a bullying problem, but each student would be able to get to know each other on a more personal level. Its always nice to interact with students that you don't always hang out with and can broaden the relationships that develop in high school.

1 comment:

  1. How come it's not a "bullying" problem if at the pep rally seniors yell at and shove freshman? Couldn't there be some harmful consequences to these actions?
