Monday, May 9, 2011

Selling Olga #2 (book)

As I continued reading this book I learned a lot about the relationships between trafficked women and their pimps. This quote does a lot to explain the relationship, "He is her tormentor and provider. He is a brute who may rape her and probably beats her but it often the only friend that she has left in the world. He feeds her and starves her. He may show her physical affection and then rent her out to half a dozen men for the night afterwards. He is her only guarantee of personal safety but might threaten her every day (36)" It is hard for me to understand this relationship because it seems to me like the pimp plays two different roles, one being like a father figure the other being an aggressive kidnapper. The pimp tricks the women into believing that he cares for her and their relationship means something when in reality he is exploiting her and using her for his own selfish benefit. Throughout my research I learned that most pimps don't get arrested because it is hard to prove that pimps control their prostitutes and make them sell their bodies. If the pimps are not arrested or caught then the prostitution industry will keep thriving.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Child Prostitution 5/4

Today I worked on my bibliography and spent time putting up my posters.My bibly took a while to get everything organized and I'm happy I got it all together. I wanted people to be aware of my subject so I placed them around the building. I designed my poster to be very eye catching. It is a picture of a child that says 'Not For Sale' and it is supposed to get people thinking about why this is happening in our country.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Second Semester Book Review (Selling Olga) #1

I am reading Selling Olga by Louisa Waugh about human trafficking and resistance. In the first couple chapters we hear about the story of Olga. She explained how she got trafficked and her story. She said that there are ads int he newspaper for jobs abroad. These are cover ups for trafficking women, she thought that she was getting a job in Italy helping the elderly, she quickly realized that she was being tricked. She lived at the club and men would pay her 'pimp' to have sex with her. At first she would not even receive money because of the travel fees that her pimp paid for. After a while she started to get some money for her services. She ended up escaping by sneaking out of the club and going to a local police station. She had massive injuries and was almost fully blind from all the abuse she endured. I was so shocked to hear her story. I feel like any women in desperate need of money could get tangled up in this trafficking. To hear her actual story, I was interested and it made me even more passionate about my end of the year project, which is child prostitution. I am excited to read on, even though this is a sad and disturbing topic, I am interested in it and what the police and givernment are doing about it.

Child Prostitution ( videos ) 5/3

I watched this video from local ABC news. Chicago police busted a child prostitution ring and found three young ladies. They would set up their meetings over the Internet and be forced into having sex with these men by their "Pimps". I found this very shocking because they showed a map and showed three places around Chicagoland area where these activities were taking place. The arrests took place in motels in Lansing, Hazel Crest, and Downers Grove, these towns are very close to Deerfield and it is so shocking that this problem is so close to home.

I also watched another video about the child prostitution epidemic is Atlanta. This video interviewed former prostitutes and asked them why the system was so addicting and harmful. The girls explained that most of the children that get caught up in this industry have been sexually abused as young children or have been abused by parents. They all have tragic stories that explain their extreme loneliness. These Pimps present themselves as father figures and trick the girls into a life of abuse sexually and emotionally as well as psychically. The Governor set up public service announcements about the realities of child prostitution in the city. She wanted to go after the Pimps and the people in charge of these kids instead of arresting the children that have been forced into this job. It is comparable to slavery, but these kids were being held responsible. A lot of people don't look that them as victims, but they have been tricked into this industry and it hurts me that some people don't see that.

Monday, May 2, 2011

I found another article from USA today about a program called "Innocence Lost" "The case here is part of "Innocence Lost," a project launched in 2003 by the Justice Department. The FBI set up 14 task forces in cities with the most reports of child prostitution; now the task forces are in 27 cities, says Drew Oosterbaan, chief of the Justice Department's child exploitation section" I think I'm going to look into this program and see if I can do something with that for my action item.

Child Prostition 5/2

I just came across an article from chicago breaking news source that stated there is a child prostition ring in Chicago. When reading this article I was completely shocked. I always thought that this problem was only in third world countries, far from America and our community. "In addition to rescuing the 69 juveniles, 884 people including 99 "pimps" were arrested over a three-day effort dubbed Operation Cross Country V, a joint investigation between FBI, local and state law enforcement agencies and the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, according to U.S. Department of Justice officials." This was a huge breakthrough! I can't believe that this was going on in Chicago. This make me want to get involved because it is so close to me and to where I live. I am happy that they are getting involved and starting to arrest and stop these child prostition rings around the country.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Child Prostitution

I got a lot of interesting information on child prostitution in the United States that I was not aware of. According to the U.S department of Justice Approximately 55% of street girls engage in formal prostitution. Estes Report, Executive Summary at 7. Of the girls engaged in formal prostitution, about 75% worked for a pimp.What I thought was so unbelievable was that if the girls are exchanging sex for money even if it is given to the pimp (which in most cases it is) they are still criminals. Often times these children are forced into the sex industry and have no way out. What gets me so angry are the personal stories of individual girls that i have read. "Maria is . . . prostituted by her aunt. Maria is obliged to sell her body exclusively to foreign tourists in Costa Rica, she only works mornings as she has to attend school in the afternoon. Maria is in fifth grade." When I read this I was shocked, what kind of person would force their own family memeber into a life of prostitution and she is only in fifth grade! She is setting her up for a life of mistreatment and possibly abuse.I am outraged with society, this should be stopped because it is not only an issue of prostitution but it is a human rights problem and a problem with society if it is tolerated. I learned that In 1998, the International Labour Organization reported its calculations that 2-14% of the gross domestic product of Indonesia, Malaysia, the Phillipines, and Thailand derives from sex tourism.This is a big business in these areas and seems to be more prevalent outside of the United States. Child sex tourists are defined as individuals that travel to foreign countries to engage in sexual activity with children. The non-profit organization End Child Prostitution, Child Pornography, and the Trafficking of Children (ECPAT) estimates that more than one million children worldwide are drawn into the sex trade each year. When I heard one million children a year I was completely shocked, not only at the number but why no one was talking about it. I had never heard of child sex tourism before I started researching on this project.

If no money is involved, the youngster is considered a victim. But if the man pays for the sex — even if the money is going to the pimp, which is so often the case — the child is considered a prostitute and thus subject in many venues to arrest and incarceration.“We often see the girls arrested and the pimps and the johns go free,” said Carol Smolenski, the head of Ecpat-USA, a group that fights the sexual exploitation of children. “One of the big problems is that there is this whole set of child sex exploiters who are not targeted as exceptionally bad guys.”( I think it is crazy to think that these children who are forced into the sex industry are the ones getting in trouble instead of the pimps that force them to do this. This is the problem and maybe why nothing is getting done, we need to catch the right people and until we do that, child prostitution will continue all over the world.