Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Childhood Prostitution

I chose to research childhood prostitution for my end of the year project. I first heard about this growing problem at my church. There was an activist there that wanted to get the the world to recognize this horrible industry and world problem. In the The Evil Behind the Smiles by Nicholas D. Kristof, you really get an insight of what happens to these children. the article goes to explain what happens to girls,"Sina is Vietnamese but was kidnapped at the age of 13 and taken to Cambodia, where she was drugged. She said she woke up naked and bloody on a bed with a white man — she doesn’t know his nationality — who had purchased her virginity." She was drugged and kidnapped against her will and woke up in fear and in pain. I has no idea how violent these sex houses were, the article explains that the brothels have torture chambers, " As in many brothels, the torture of choice was electric shocks. Sina would be tied down, doused in water and then prodded with wires running from the 220-volt wall outlet. The jolt causes intense pain, sometimes evacuation of the bladder and bowel — and even unconsciousness." The amount of violence that goes on is beyond comprehendable.

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