Monday, September 20, 2010

September 11th Movie

In my issues class we watched a documentary on September 11th. This movie documented the event and the six days fallowing the tragedy in New York. What really affected me about this movie was how different my perspective was to that day then New Yorkers. I remember feeling fear and confusion like the rest of America, but when something like this happens to your city, the emotions are so much stronger and intense. Some of the footage shot by these regular people showed me how in our time of need, our country can come together and form a unity of strength. When the citizens of New York all gathered on one street just to thank the firefighters and emergency response teams, it showed how compassionate people can be. Everyone was helping each other in anyway they could. This was a time that people, not only in New York but all through out America, came together and showed true patriotism and unity. I enjoyed this movie a lot and thought its message was very positive.  

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