Sunday, December 12, 2010


  1. After looking at each website thoroughly, I could understand each side of the debate. On one hand, some of the methods of abortion like partial birth seem to be inhumane and cruel. In a partial birth, the doctor inserts scissors into the back of the baby’s skull and widens the wound and inserts suction into the head and sucks the brain out. This method stuck out to me as being epically horrible, but I know that this is rarely if ever used as an abortion method. I also see the other side, their website wants to protect the safety of these doctors and nurses that provide women with abortions. They also want birth-control and proper sex education to be readily available to teens. This seems to be the best cure for this issue. If more people were educated about sex and were using birth control, some of these unwanted pregnancies would not exist. I think the pro-choice have a better argument and the angle they are taking seems to be a lot more responsible and pro-active.
  2. I think every girl that is 17 or 18 thinks about what they would do if they got pregnant, but it is much easier to say you will do something when it doesn’t happen to you. I think parents do have a legal right to know if their child is under the age of 18. They are still living under their parent’s house and relaying on them financially. If some complication occurs medically, it is extremely important for the parents to know the surgery took place and what to expect afterwards. Having said that, I don’t think they should have to consent the abortion. In the end it is the girl’s choice and body, not her parents.
  3. I believe that the mother of the unborn baby should have the choice to tell the father, but should not be required to. In many chases of abortion, the mother and father are unwed and might not even be dating, therefore notifying the father might be unnecessary. I do not think the father should have to give consent to go through with the abortion. The father does not have the baby in side of him for 9 mouths, the mother does. The father can always change his mind and back out, leaving the mother to raise a baby on her own, which is a very difficult task. So I think that informing the father should be up to the mother, and not a law.
  4. Illinois has a law that states “the provision of any abortion procedure that falls within a broad definition a felony, unless necessary to preserve the life of a woman endangered by a physical disorder, physical illness, or physical injury, including a life-endangering condition caused by or arising from the pregnancy itself, and no other medical procedure will suffice.” Illinois basically tried to make having an abortion a crime. This is not fair for those young mothers that can’t support a baby and have no other ways out. I do not agree with this law, and that is why it is not enforced currently in Illinois. I would change this law, and make abortions legal for those who need them. We also have a law that says that abortions are not covered under health care. I actually agree with this, I do not think the tax payers should have to pay for an abortion, the women made the choices she made and the tax payers should not have to pay for her to fix it. Having said that, I still think abortions should be available to those who want them, I just think that the women should have to find a way to pay for it.